Saturday, February 7, 2009

Huntington meeting #6

Posted by Brad Mills
Four people showed up at Java Joint for Saturday's meeting of NSA Club 767. Aaron McGuffin was out of town so I acted as guest director.

Here are the results:

Brad Mills 3-0, +243
Leah Gingerich 2-1, +69
Shelley Schiavone 1-2, -83
Brad Smith 0-3, -229

Bingos played were as follows:

Brad Mills: SAUNTER (68), LUNATION (59), ASTERIA (79), REASONS (65), SELTZER (89)
Leah Gingerich: STORAGE (82), SOUNDED (95), ARRIVED (83)
Brad Smith: MISTING (85)
Shelley Schiavone: GLORIES (75)

Highest non-bingo play was by Brad Smith - QUOTES for 61.

I hereby nominate Brad Smith for "phoney of the year award" for getting NN* on the board, and because his opponent (who shall remain nameless) didn't notice it until after Smith had drawn, it stayed!

Hope to see everyone in Huntington again soon.


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